Part II From How to be Programmer
Web applications reside in a web server and are accessed via a web browser
Web applications are software components designed to work on top of the internet architecture. This means that the applications is accessed through a web browser software such as Firefox or Internet Explorer. Being built on top of the Internet architecture does not necessarily require an active connection to the internet. It means that web applications are built on top of standard web technologies such as HTTP, FTP, POP3, SMTP, TCP, and IP protocols, HTML, XML, Coldfusion, ASP, JSP, PHP and ASP.NET languages along with many other web technologies. Corporate intranets are examples of web applications that might not require an active internet connection.
1. Browse many diverse websites to learn about how they usually look like. (right click, then click view source) The diversity meant is in the type/content of the website not the quantity of websites visited. Generally, you will need to visit at least one site belonging to each of the following types of websites:
o Corporate Presence Sites (Commercial corporate, Not-for-profit corporate/organization, Governmental organization)
o Web Indexing Engines (Search Engine, Meta Search Site, Specialized Search Engines, Directories)
o Data Mining Sites
o Personal Sites
o Informational/Encyclopedic Pages (Wikis, Data Sheets, Technical Specification, and Manuals Listing Directories, Blogs and Journals, News and News Agencies Sites, Yellow Pages)
o Social Sites (Social Portals, Bookmarking Sites, Note Taking Sites)
o Collaborative Sites (this includes other categories mentioned above like wikis and blogs)
2. Learn at least one brainstorming technique/method and a software that is used to implement that method (for example: brainstorming diagrams and MS Visio)
3. Get familiar with website structuring (creating conceptual web diagrams, site-maps, and navigation structures).
4. Take a crash course on graphics design and learn at least one graphics editing/manipulation software package (this is optional but strongly recommended)
5. Learn the basics of the internet infrastructure. This includes getting a basic idea about:
o Base web services protocols (HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and POP3 or IMAP4)
o Web server software (preferably, one for the platform you will be working on mostly)
o Web browsing software.
o Email server and client software
6. Learn the HTML and CSS languages, along with some "what you see is what you get(WYSIWYG)" software package for editing HTML.
7. Learn XML and XML related technologies such as XSL and XPath (optional but recommended)
8. Create simple static websites until you are familiar with and comfortable around HTML
9. Learn a client-side scripting language (most users either learn Javascript or VBScript, but some learn Perl or another language instead) and DHTML
10. Familiarize yourself with the client side scripting language you learned. Try to reach your potential using only that language. Only go to the next step after you've at least become familiar with your client-side scripting language
11. Learn at least one server side programming language. If you choose to restrict yourself to one server software, learn one of the programming languages supported by that software. If not, learn at least one programming language on each server software.
12. Create a pilot project for yourself after you finish learning the server-side programming language.
13. Obtain your own website and start experimenting online within your own page.
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