
How to be Programmer

1. Prepare yourself for becoming a programmer:
o Take at least one introductory course in Mathematics (i.e. introductory calculus as it significantly improves your experience as a programmer).
o Take an introductory course in logic, discrete Mathematics or both.
o Learn at least one of the following program conception techniques. As you advance in programming you'll need to learn almost all of them. The methods are listed in the most often used order.
- Flow Charting (globally considered the easiest to learn)
- Pseudo-Code
- Unified Modeling Language (UML)
- Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
1. Learn simple database concepts such as tables, views/queries and procedures. You can use any simple database package to do this, such as MS access, DB V, Fox Pro, Paradox. MySQL is a particularly good database to learn because it's free, commonly used, and databases are commonly accessed with SQL queries.
2. Learn about programming paradigms (an introduction is enough for now), the most important being procedural, object oriented, functional,logic and declarative programming.

2. Decide what type of programmer you are/want to be. Programmers generally fall under one of the following categories:
Web Programmer
Desktop Application Programmer
Operating System (OS) Oriented (tied to a single operating system or set of operating systems)
Platform Independent
Distributed Applications Programmer
Library/Platform/Framework/Core Programmer
o System Programmer
 Kernel Programmer
 Driver Programmer
 Compiler Programmer
o Programming Scientist

3. Learn the technologies and programming languages related to your programming field of choice.

Source :Wikihow.com


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